
Sharing can be that easy

Have you ever entered a URL using the virtual keyboard in the VR headset? We don’t even want to talk about long URLs here. It’s no fun without hand controls on the Quest. Even with the hand controls and the virtual keyboard without haptic feedback – well. The eye-tracking of the Apple Vision Pro or Meta Quest Pro is certainly better – if you have one. Of course you can share a URL via the Meta Quest app – once you’ve figured out how to do it. But does everyone have the app on their notebook or work computer?

Well, we were tired of publishing cumbersome URLs only to display them in the VR headset. That’s why we developed Easy Share.

Easy Share is an automatically synchronized bookmark list. Easy Share provides the ability to publish URLs so that they can be easily selected on other devices, especially VR headsets, without having to re-enter the URLs. The Easy Share URL list contains the URLs and the titles for both logged-in and anonymous users on the same network.

The user has the option of adding new shares to the share list by clicking on the “+” button and entering the title and URL.

Users logged in to https://vrdoro.com have the option of deleting their shares or blocking shares so that they are not visible to other users.

Advantages of Easy Share

  1. Easy to view: It is difficult to enter a URL with a VR headset. With Easy share, the user can open and display the URL with one click.
  2. Even users who are not logged in can use Easy Share to share URLs with team colleagues in the same network, for example.
  3. The logged-in user has the option of displaying or hiding their shares for other users.

Use Easy Share: https://vrdoro.com/b/~/share – simply good

By the way: Easy Share is also useful for quick link sharing without a VR headset

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